Nutritional Composition and Nutritional Properties of Fermented Food

The advantage of fermentation is that enzymes secreted by microorganisms during fermentation break cell walls and increase nutrient utilization. Fermented foods are added with microorganisms to process each cell of the food. And it adds some nutrients, removes some non-nutrients, and changes the taste and texture. 

Fermented foods are generally low in fat because they consume the energy of carbohydrates during the fermentation process, which is why they are the most preferred health food for dieters.

In addition, fermented foods are characterized by easy digestion and absorption due to the decomposition of proteins during the fermentation process. Also, microorganisms can synthesize some vitamin B, especially vitamin B12. This vitamin cannot be synthesized by animals and plants on their own, and only microorganisms can produce it. 

During fermentation, microorganisms retain some active ingredients, such as polysaccharides, dietary fibers, bioflavonoids, and other substances that are beneficial to the body, and may break down some elements that are not good for the body. Many metabolites produced during the metabolism of microorganisms have the effect of regulating the body's biological function and can also inhibit the body's production of harmful substances.

Fermented foods that we often eat are mainly grain fermented foods, soybean fermented foods, and dairy fermented foods. There are vinegar, alcohol, etc. in grain fermented foods. These foods are rich in ingredients such as threonine, which can prevent memory loss. 

The main ingredients of vinegar are various amino acids and minerals, which have the effect of lowering blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol. 

Soybean paste, soy sauce, etc. are the kinds of presentation foods. Fermented soybeans are rich in antithrombotic components, which can prevent atherosclerosis and lower blood pressure. These foods can prevent osteoporosis by participating in vitamin K synthesis. 

Milk-fermented products such as yogurt and cheese contain lactic acid bacteria and other ingredients, which can inhibit the growth of intestinal decay bacteria, stimulate the body's immune system, and effectively prevent cancer by mobilizing positive elements in the body.
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